2019년 5월 19일 일요일

[Grammar in Use] Unit 14

Present perfect and past 2
(I have done and I did) 

Do not use the present perfect when you talk about a finished time.
종료된 것에 대하여 이야기 할때 present perfect를 사용하면 안된다.

yesterday / ten minutes ago / in 2005 / when I was a child
이런것들 ...

Use a past tense.
과거형을 사용해라.

예문) 해석참고용

  • It was very cold yesterday. (not has been)
    어제 아주 추웠어.
  • Paul and Lucy arrived ten minutes ago. (not have arrived)
    파울과 루시는 10분전에 도착했어.
  • Did you eat a lot of sweets when you were a child? (not have you eaten)
    어렸을때 단것 많이 먹었어?
  • I got home late last night. I was very tired and went straight to bed.
    지난밤 나는 집에 늦게 갔어. 매우 피곤했고 바로 잤어.

Use the past to ask When ... ? or What time ... ?

예문) 해석참고용

  • When did your friends arrive? (not have ... arrived)
    언제 친구들이 도착했어?
  • What time did you finish work?
    일이 언제 끝났어?


Present perfect
Past simple

예문) 해석참고용

  • Tom has lost his key. He can't get into the house.
    톰은 열쇠를 잃어버렸어. 집에 들어갈 수 없다.
  • Tom lost his key yesterday. He couldn't get into the house.
    톰은 어제 열쇠를 잃어버렸어. 집에 들어갈 수 없다.
  • Is Carla here or has she left?
    칼리아는 여기있니? 아니면 떠났니?
  • When did Carla leave?
    칼리아는 언제 떠났니?


Present perfect

  • I've done a lot of work today.
    나는 오늘 많은 일을 했다.

We use the present perfect for a period of time that continues until now.
현재까지 계속 진행되고 있는 것에 대하여 사용.

today / this week / since 2007

예문) 해석참고용

  • It hasn't rained this week.
    이번주는 비가오지 않았어.
  • Have you seen Anna this morning? (it is still morning)
    아침에 안나 봤어? (여전히 아침)
  • Have you seen Tim recently?
    팀 최근에 봤어?
  • I don't know where Lisa is. I haven't seen her. (= I haven't seen her recently)
    리사가 어딨는지 몰라. 그녀를 보지 못했어. (최근에 그녀를 본 적이 없다.)
  • We've been waiting for an hour. (we are still waiting now)
    우리는 1시간동안 기다렸다. (지금도 기다리고 있다.)
  • Jack lives in Los Angeles. He has lived there for seven years.
    잭은 LA에 살고있다. 그는 7년동안 그곳에 살고있다.
  • I have never played golf. (in my life)
    나는 골프를 해본 적이 없다.
  • (It's the last day of your holiday)
    (여행의 마지막 날에)
    It's been a really good holiday. I've really enjoyed it.
    정말 좋은 휴가였어. 즐거웠어.

Past simple

  • I did a lot of work yesterday.
    나는 어제 많은 일을 했다.

We use the past simple for a finished time in the past.
과거에 이미 끝난 시점에 대하여 언급할 때 사용.

yesterday / last week / from 2007 to 2010.

예문) 해석참고용

  • It didn't rain last week.
    지난주에 비가 안왔어.
  • Did you see Anna this morning? (it is now afternoon or evening)
    오늘아침에 안나 봤니? (지금은 오후 혹은 저녁이다)
  • Did you see Tim on Sunday?
    팀 일요일날 봤니?
  • A: Was Lisa at the party on Sunday?
    A: 일요일날 리사는 그 모임에 있었니?
  • B: I don't think so. I didn't see her.
    B: 아닌것 같아. 난 그녀를 못봤어.
  • We waited(or were waiting) for an hour. (we are no longer waiting)
    우리는 1시간동안 기다렸어. (더 이상 기다리지 않는다.)
  • Jack lived in New York for ten years. Now he lives in Los Angeles.
    잭은 뉴욕에서 10년동안 살았다. 현재는 LA에서 살고있다.
  • I didn't play golf last summer.
    지난여름에 골프를 하지 않았어.
  • (After you come back from holiday)
    (휴가에서 돌아온 후에)
    It was a really good holiday. I really enjoyed it.
    정말 좋은 휴가였어. 즐거웠어.


말하고자 하는 내용이 현재와 연결되어 있다면 present perfect,
아니라면 past simple을 사용하는게 맞다.

  • The Chinese invented printing. (not have invented)
    중국은 인쇄술을 발명했다.
  • Beethoven was a great composer. (not has been)
    베토벤은 훌륭한 작곡가였다.
  • Shakespeare wrote many plays.
    셰익스피어는 많은 글을 썼다.
  • My brother is a writer. He has written many books. (He still writes book.)
    내 동생은 작가이다. 그는 많은 책을 썼다. (여전히 쓰고있다.)

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